Attempting to secure an executive home rental can be competitive and stressful, often leaving you feeling disheartened when you miss out on your dream rental property. With property managers sometimes receiving several rental applications, it’s a good idea to know what they’re looking for so that you have the best chance of securing the property you’ve applied for.
At North South Real Estate, we list rental properties and have received hundreds of rental applications over our time of operation. Therefore, we’re sharing some of our top tips on how to secure an executive home rental.
Consider your Rent Payment History
One of the tell-tale signs of a good (or bad) tenant is their track record for paying their rent on time. Having a poor history of paying rent, water or electricity reflects extremely negatively on your application and can lessen your chances of securing the property you applied for. Therefore, if you’re someone who has a history of paying rent late, it’s a good idea to figure out a plan of attack so that you can start paying rent on time and get your rental history looking good. The best way to do this is to set up automated payments via transfers or direct debit from an account that you know will always have ample money in it. If you’re not sure when you usually pay rent, we recommend reaching out to your landlord or property manager to find out.
Prepare for Inspections
Another important point to remember when applying for an executive home rental is to consider how you look after the property you’re currently renting. Do you get good feedback from the property manager? Are you asking for damaged things to be fixed or are you letting the property deteriorate? Do you regularly clean the property or do you clear things in a rush upon inspection?
Believe it or not, property managers can tell the difference between a house that is looked after, versus a house that is straightened up for inspections. Needless to say, if you look after your rental, your property manager will remember this and be able to provide good feedback in the event that the property manager of the rental you applied for asks.
Demonstrate your Financial Stability
A sure-fire way to stand out on your application, especially if you really want to secure the property, is to offer more than the asking price. While you might be thinking- “but I don’t want to pay more?” sometimes offering even $10 over the asking price could be enough to secure you the property. However, if you aren’t in a position to be able to offer more, an alternative is to offer payment a month in advance, instead of the usual two weeks. These tactics will show the property manager that you are financially stable and in a position to afford the rent; which is essentially one of the major points they look for in any rental application.
Maintain Good Relationships
A straightforward, yet very helpful tip is to maintain a good relationship with your property manager and landlord. This simply means having friendly conversations when you’re in contact, being cooperative when tradespeople visit, when there’s a routine inspection or if there’s any issues with payment. This is important because when you apply for a rental property, the property manager will often contact your previous or current property manager for a reference. If you have a good relationship with them – they’re sure to give you a great reference that will boost your chances of securing the property.
At North South Real Estate, we specialise in property management and have a range of properties available for rent in several of Brisbane’s best suburbs. Click here to view our current properties.